How the DofE can assist disadvantaged youths | Tunde Folawiyo

Those who support the DofE, like Tunde Folawiyo, might know that the programme committee encourages all young people, regardless of their background or circumstances, to get involved. For teens that may be Tunde Folawiyogoing through a difficult period in their lives, perhaps as a result of health or family issues for instance, the DofE activities can provide them with a sense of stability, and offer them with something positive to focus their efforts on.

There are countless stories of DofE alumni who have managed to overcome enormous obstacles, complete their bronze, silver and gold activities and go on to lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Here, we’ll be discussing two such people – Edward Hampton-Matthews, and Emily Mailes.

Edward was diagnosed with joint hyper-mobility and rheumatoid arthritis at the age of three; doctors told his parents that he would never be able to swim or ride a bike. But just four years later, with physiotherapy and a great deal of determination, Edward began cycling. It was this strength of character and perseverance which would allow him to complete the bronze, silver and gold level activities as a teenager, in spite of his chronic health problems.

He camped in cold, wet conditions, and trekked for many miles, even though these activities were extremely challenging, from a physical perspective. Additionally, he also learned how to sail, gained his first aid and RYA Day Skipper qualifications, and began teaching sailing to other youths at his local club. In 2010, he received his Gold Award, four decades after his own grandfather, Mike Hampton, had done the same. Mike attended the ceremony, and spoke proudly of Edward’s achievements, adding that getting involved in the DofE is a ‘fantastic thing to do’.

Emily experienced a different set of challenges growing up, but like Edward, she successfully overcame them by participating in the DofE. She became a mother at the age of 16, which led to her leaving school without qualifications. Most people nowadays, including Tunde Folawiyo, understand just how much a lack of education can affect a person’s life, particularly when it’s a young parent, who has a child to support.

But Emily was determined to improve her life, and after joining a youth group in her local area, designed specifically for teenage parents, she began to work towards getting her bronze, silver and gold awards. The activities she completed gave her the confidence to return to education, and as she neared the end of her time with the DofE, she took up courses in youth work, media and film-making. Her experience with the DofE was so positive, that she also began to serve as a voluntary expedition leader. Today, she has a job as a youth services co-ordinator.

How to Contribute to the Duke of Edinburgh Award | Tunde Folawiyo

Boasting a deep-rooted history of promoting the personal development of today’s youth, the Duke of Edinburgh Award serves as a wonderful means of encouragement for millions of young people throughout the United Kingdom and beyond. Through the valued support of many of the programme’s proponents such as Tunde Folawiyo, the Duke of Edinburgh Award continues to inspire bright young leaders striving to make a difference in themselves and in the world around them.

Tunde FolawiyoAs one of the world’s premiere programmes for the development and encouragement of youth, the Duke of Edinburgh Award is composed of four mandatory sections. These include fitness, skill, volunteering and adventurous journey, each testing the personal and physical abilities of each participant. In order to merit the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh Award, each hopeful participant must successfully complete the aforementioned sections according to his or her personal timeframe, proving the utmost abilities to maturely and responsibly undertake various roles.

As a not-for-profit organisation, The Duke of Edinburgh Award relies heavily on the continued support and encouragement of various individuals and organisations in order to successfully maintain the operations of the programme and its mission to nurture personal development among today’s youth. Therein lies a variety of opportunities for supporters of the Award’s mission to contribute to the ongoing mission of this thriving organisation.

There are many ways to contribute to the goals of The Duke of Edinburgh Award, each holding various amounts of involvement. Individual’s utilise a variety of talents, professional positions and networks to spread the word of the organisation’s values, bringing forth new supporters to carry out the Award’s ongoing mission. Whether through volunteer time, monetary donations or the prospect of mentorship, those willing to assist the Award will hold a hugely important and indispensable role in the organisation’s foundation and success. One way to become involved in the encouragement of today’s youth is to aid The Duke of Edinburgh Award organisation in the fostering of brand ambassadorships, in order to bring awareness to the Award’s history and goals. The Duke of Edinburgh Award also encourages sponsorship opportunities for those wishing to further contribute to the organisation’s mission.

Due to the outstanding encouragement of the award’s supporters, such as Tunde Folawiyo and millions of others throughout the world, the Duke of Edinburgh Award will continue to thrive for years to come, serving as a constant source of encouragement for the development of today’s young leaders.

DofE launch project with Dallaglio Foundation | Tunde Folawiyo

Just a few months ago, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award committee decided to team up with the Dallaglio Foundation, in order to encourage young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to participate in sport, and join the award programme. As of September 2013, the DofE has been working with Lawrence DallLawrence Dallaglio 2006aglio – the former rugby star who launched the foundation – to help teens to get involved with the DofE, via their local rugby associations.

Dallaglio’s charity is an organisation which virtually everyone, including Tunde Folawiyo, is familiar with. Launched just five years ago, it has already managed to raise over £7 million, by hosting annual events such as the Golf & Wine Club, the 8-Rocks and the Dallaglio Cycle Slam. His collaborative project with the DofE is being funded by ICAP, who have donated enough money to enable at least 200 people to join a rugby club and gain their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. The goal of this venture is to teach teens how to work well under pressure, communicate effectively with others, and work as a team.

Speaking to the press, Lawrence Dallaglio stated that sport can have a profound impact on a young person’s life, and that partnering with the DofE would allow participants to not only enjoy all of the benefits of playing rugby, but also provide them with the opportunity to achieve accolades which will make them more employable in the future.

He went on to say that the values which had been instilled in him through the practice of this particular sport – things such as trust, honesty, sportsmanship and respect for others – had helped him to cope with a very challenging period during his teens. He added that he hoped that his foundation, along with the DofE, would help other young people going through similarly difficult times.

Adedoyin Sonibare was one of the first DofE students to get involved in this project. She joined Dallaglio for a rugby training session, which she described as one of her most enjoyable DofE experiences.  She remarked that it had been a privilege to have been taught by Dallaglio, and added that he was a lovely person who was very supportive and encouraging. Sports enthusiasts like Tunde Folawiyo will understand that training with Dallaglio is a dream for many people; he is widely regarded as one of England’s greatest rugby players, having participated in 85 matches for his country, including the 2003 World Cup.

Volunteering with the National Trust via the DofE | Tunde Folawiyo

The Duke of Edinburgh Award (the DofE) is one of the most prestigious awards that a young person can receive. Completing all of the activities at each stage can take up to four years, and as such, only those with a great deal of determination, confidence and courage make it through to the end of the Gold level.

For many participants, the volunteering section at each level is one of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of their DofE experience. Many who support this award programme, including Tunde Folawiyo know that carrying out volunteer work is an excellent way to make young people more aware of the needs of those less fortunate than themselves. Moreover, this type of selfless work also encourages them to develop many important qualities, including empathy, patience and generosity.

Tunde FolawiyoDue to the flexibility of the programme’s structure, they can choose almost any form of volunteering, provided it is undertaken for a non-profit or charitable organisation, rather than a business. Many participants choose to volunteer with the National Trust, as this organisation usually has a variety of voluntary positions available at any one time, meaning that whether they’re interested in conservation work, event planning, history or architecture, they’ll be able to find a role which suits them.

This is one of the reasons that people like Tunde Folawiyo are in favour of the DofE programme; it allows young people to explore their interests, via this type of volunteer work, and see where their strengths lie, whilst at the same time, helping an important non-profit like the National Trust to continue its good work.

DofE participants who opt for outdoor volunteering with the National Trust will be tasked with protecting and maintaining natural environments by, for example, participating in bio-surveys, carrying out basic repair work of damaged pathways and fencing, or repainting signs and patching up dry stone walling; these types of jobs are ideal for those who are keen conservationists, and who enjoy working with their hands.

Others might give guided tours of National Trust beaches, woodlands or moors; this job would be perfect for those who are already quite sociable and confident, or those who wish to improve upon their public speaking skills. Many DofE volunteers chose to work in the National Trust gardens; again, the work here is varied, but may include taking care of community allotment patches, setting up physical boundaries around the garden or, for green-fingered participants, carrying out tasks such as seed cataloguing, pruning and planting.


The benefits of getting involved in the DofE | Tunde Folawiyo

Supporters of the DofE, including Tunde Folawiyo know what a positive impact the programme has on the lives of young people. The benefits of becoming involved in the DofE cannot be understated; participants have the opportunity to explore possible career paths through their volunteer work, discover hidden talents, improve upon their existing skill sets, and fine tune their communication and problem-solving abilities. This programme also enables young people to learn about the importance of taking the initiative, being responsible for their actions and managing their time well. Perhaps most significantly, it boosts their self-confidence, as they see that they are in fact capable of achieving the goals which they have set for themselves.

Tunde FolawiyoThose who have reached the end of their journey with the DofE, and received their Gold awards have nothing but good things to say about their experience of this programme. Take Hollie Devlin for instance; this young woman recently received her gold award from Prince Philip, at St James’s Palace in London. She got involved in the programme whilst working at the Ramsey Grammar School as a teacher of modern foreign languages, progressing to the Gold level, and passing each section with flying colours.

As fellows of the Duke of Edinburgh World Fellowship, members including Tunde Folawiyo are familiar with the activities that one must complete as part of the DofE programme. Few people, however, realise just how demanding these activities really are. For example, Hollie completed a 50-mile trek along Snowdonia, participated in a scheme called Young Enterprise, volunteered at Guides and organised a residential holiday for the Brownies. However, whilst these activities were certainly challenging and time-consuming, they were also incredibly rewarding. Discussing her experience, Hollie described her time with the DofE as ‘fantastic’, adding that she had learned how to work as part of a team and how to communicate more effectively, both of which had enabled her to become a better teacher.

A similarly positive story was shared by another recent Gold award recipient named Andrew. Like Hollie, he too completed his expedition by hiking in Wales, whilst his volunteer work was carried out at St Raphael’s Hospice. He chose to learn how to drive for his Skills section, and improved his tennis skills for the Physical section. Whilst he enjoyed all aspects of his experience, Andrew said that volunteering for the hospice was particularly fulfilling, as the staff there had previously helped his grandmother to take care of his ailing grandfather.


Who supports the DofE programme? | Tunde Folawiyo

Each year, more than 300,000 people get involved in the DofE programme, and in doing so, develop skills and character traits which will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Available to everyone between the ages of 14 and 25, the DofE helps young people to reach their full potential, boost their career prospects and get a head start in life.

None of this would be possible without the help of its volunteers, and the financial support provided by organisations like the Duke of Edinburgh World Fellowship. The latter was established 27 years ago, in a bid to ensure that the DofE programme would be available for many generations to come. Its fellows, which include Tunde Folawiyo, are aware of the many fundraising events that are held throughout the year to support the programme, all of which are organised by the Fellowship committee.

The generosity of Tunde Folawiyothose involved in the Fellowship has been instrumental in the evolution of the DofE; as a result of their donations, it has become one of the most renowned youth development programmes in the world. Prior to the founding of the Duke of Edinburgh World Fellowship in the late eighties, the DofE relied almost entirely upon the somewhat sporadic donations provided by individuals living in the UK. The limitations of this small budget made it difficult for the DofE committee to expand its programme, and it was only when the World Fellowship was launched that the programme truly began to make waves internationally.

But of course, the financial donations made by the Fellowship could not be put to good use, if it were not for the tireless dedication of the DofE volunteers, many of whom have spent years helping the participants in this programme. Supporters of the DofE, including Tunde Folawiyo, understand how hard these people work. Volunteers serve in a variety of roles, depending on their particular skill sets, with some working as leaders on expeditions, and others assisting with fundraising or administrative tasks.

In order to make sure that volunteers have the necessary qualifications and knowledge to support participants, many are given training sessions, the cost of which is usually covered, in part, by the DofE. Virtually everyone who chooses to volunteer with this programme finds it to be an exceptionally rewarding experience, as they have the opportunity to meet new people, have new experiences, and travel around the country.

History of The Duke of Edinbugh’s Award | Tunde Folawiyo

Introduced in the United Kingdom in 1956, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has long served as a beacon of inspiration for youth across the world due in part to its many supporters, including those such as Tunde Folawiyo. Created by a small team of esteemed professionals, the award first began as a means to motivate boys aged between 15 and 18 to strive toward personal growth in the often difficult years between adolescence and adulthood. It is now opened to both genders as a girls’ scheme was launched in 1958. In 1957, the upper age limit was increased to 19 and gradually increased before settling at 25 in 1980, paving the way for a new era of young adults striving to make a difference.

Since its founding in 1956, the programme has grown into an internationally recognised programme that now reaches more than 300,000 young people in over 120 countries throughout the world. While the mission and goals of the Award are uniform internationally, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award carries many different titles including The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award; The President’s Award; The National Youth Achievement Award and The International Award for Young People.

Tunde FolawiyoThe Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is focused on promoting the areas of volunteering, physical fitness, unique skills and expeditions to encourage today’s youth toward a better tomorrow. Participants must accomplish a variety of trainings and successfully complete comprehensive assessments in order to prove a vast understanding of that particular subject. It’s through the guidance of mentors called “Assessors” and “Coordinators” that participants are provided the information and leadership needed to effectively accomplish each task at hand. From embracing new, exciting activities and taking part in organising and carrying out charity work to benefit surrounding communities, young people in the programme are held to a high standard of integrity.

Whilst there are various levels of accomplishment in regards to The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, the challenges set forth by the Gold Level are perhaps the most exciting to undertake. Deemed “The Residential Project” participants are encouraged to embark on an adventurous journey in which they will encounter new people and experience an unfamiliar environment vastly different to their own. Through the Residential Project, participants will meet new people, accomplish unique goals and explore life in an unfamiliar environment in order to gain a worldly perspective that will lead to empathy and understanding of other cultures. Through the continued encouragement of the programmes supporters, including Tunde Folawiyo, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award will continue to foster the development of bright young minds throughout the world.

Contributing to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award | Tunde Folawiyo

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has long served as a means of encouragement for millions of young people throughout the world. Through the immeasurable encouragement of many valued supporters of the programme including Tunde Folawiyo, the award continues to inspire a new generation of bright young leaders with a determination to make a difference. With the goals set forth by the award, participants are encouraged to strive for excellence in all aspects of life including personal growth, perseverance, self-reliance and a commitment of service to their community and other communities throughout the world.

Tunde FolawiyoIn staying true to these goals, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme is compiled of four mandatory sections including fitness, skill, volunteering and adventurous journey. Each participant completes the aforementioned sections according to his or her personal timeframe and through this non-competitive process, participants are able to apply their full focus on their own achievements, without the worry or anxiety of rivalry.

The Award has made a significant impact in the lives of millions of young people since its founding. In addition to improved educational attainment and improved health and well-being for participants, there have also been notable improvements in social inclusion, gender equality, the reduction of violence and an increased participation in civic life, each an important component of successful adult life.

As a non-profit organisation, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award relies on the continued support of various individuals in order to successfully carry out its operations and mission of nurturing personal development among youth. Therein lies a variety of opportunities to contribute to the further success of this thriving organisation.

One way to become involved in the betterment of today’s youth is to assist The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award organisation with a brand ambassadorship. Many individuals hold a variety of talents, professional positions and networks in order to spread the word of the organisation’s values. Whether it’s through voluntary time or monetary donations, each individual willing to assist proves an indispensable part of the organisation’s foundation.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award offers sponsorship opportunities for individuals wishing to involve themselves with the organisation’s goal. From assisting in the planning of fundraising events to joining The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award network to receive up to date news and other information, the ways to contribute to the mission of the organisation are endless. Due to the outstanding encouragement of the award’s supporters such as Tunde Folawiyo and millions of others, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award will continue to thrive for years to come.

A look at the DofE Bronze level activities | Tunde Folawiyo

Those who support the DofE Programme, like the businessman Tunde Folawiyo, understand that completing the Bronze level tasks is, in and of itself, a great achievement, as it requires a considerable amount of tenacity and commitment. It is also the first step towards achieving the highest honour within the programme – the Gold award. The Bronze level can be completed by anyone aged 14 or over, and consists of four sections, including Skills, Physical, Expedition and Volunteering.

Tunde FolawiyoAt this stage of the programme, participants must dedicate a minimum of three months to the Volunteering, Skills and Physical sections, and 2 days to the Expedition. Following the completion of these activities, they must then spend an additional three months focusing on one section of their choosing. In total, it should take at least six months to finish this particular level.

As someone who is familiar with this programme, Tunde Folawiyo understands that the Bronze level provides young people with a fantastic opportunity to get a head start in developing important life skills; the preparation for each section helps them to learn about the importance of having strong organisational and research abilities, and teaches them the value of being independent and self-sufficient.

During the preparation stage, they also begin to understand the process of setting realistic, measureable and challenging goals for themselves. The activities themselves are, of course, equally beneficial, as they help young students to develop confidence in their own abilities, and cultivate a sense of responsibility, as participants know they must dedicate several hours each week to completing their tasks. As each month passes, their intellectual, social and physical skills become stronger and stronger.

The awards for this level are given out at special ceremonies throughout the year; for many participants, these events are one of the main highlights of their time in the DofE programme. Recently, a student named Jayme Gower, from King Alfred School, received her Bronze award, after completing her volunteer work at the lifeboat station in Burnham-On-Sea. Jayme dedicated six months to the station, often working in severe weather conditions on the emergency ‘shouts’ and training sessions.

She also arranged a number of events to fundraise for the station, and attended several out-at-sea lifeboat sessions, where she was able to watch as the crew carried out their most important practical training exercises. Lyndon Baker, who serves as the coordinator for the station described Jayme as a ‘true asset’, adding that she had become an integral part of the group over the course of the last six months.