The DofE has served as an enormous means of encouragement since its establishment, inspiring millions of young people throughout the world to explore optimal self-discovery. In keeping true to its commitments to foster the future success of promising youth around the UK and beyond, the DofE employs a variety of requirements for participants to complete in order to be awarded the prestigious award. Tunde Folawiyo and many other supporters of the DofE may find the Residential requirement most exciting for participants to undertake. The Gold Award requirement is intended to awaken a renewed sense of confidence for those participating.
In addition to the four sections required to be awarded the DofE, the Residential section is a requirement only for those striving for Gold. The trek involves participants embarking on 5 day, 4 night trip that will revolve around meeting and cohabitating with a group of people whom they have never met. This results in an enhanced sense of empathy and an appreciation for other cultures. A fulfilling experience for all of those involved, the Residential section encourages learning new skills and assisting others toward a common goal. From snowboarding in Scotland to working closely alongside children’s camps, there are a wide range of ways for participants to forge an impact on society.
The experiences to be had during a Residential Project have been described as extremely fulfilling. DofE participants may download a variety of resources from the organisation’s website in order to prepare for the thrilling adventures that lay ahead. From residential project ideas to requirements check-lists, DofE staff hold all the information needed to initiate this great undertaking. Gold Award hopefuls are responsible for planning their trip alongside an Assessor. Once activities and goals have been approved by a designated Leader, participants are able to begin this great step toward self-discovery.
Since its establishment over a half century ago, the DofE has sought to encourage youth toward bright futures for not only themselves, but their surrounding communities as well. Through promoting life skills like fitness, leadership, volunteering and a thirst for adventure, young people throughout the world may continue to forge true impact upon their respective countries. From the United States to South Africa, the diversity of the organisation’s participants continues to inspire people all over the globe. Tunde Folawiyo and others hoping to provide a better future for Africa may find the DofE’s Residential project to be amongst the charity’s greatest programmes.