The accomplishments of South African DofE participants

In South Africa, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is known as the President’s Award for Youth Empowerment. Over the past three decades, approximately 110,000 youths have gotten involved in this programme, and in doing so, have not only discovered new talents, developed new skills and become more well-rounded individuals, but have also had an incredibly positive impact on their communities. In this article, we’ll be discussing some of the extraordinary accomplishments of the young South Africans who have completed the Award.

Those who visit South Africa regularly, such as Tunde Folawiyo, may know that it is a nation of economic extremes; although there are some extremely wealthy areas, the country also has very high rates of unemployment and poverty. Schalk Burger, a young student who was studying at a prestigious secondary school, was acutely aware of this problem, and after joining the President’s Award, he decided to do something about it. In 2010, he launched Clothing-4-Children, a garment recycling initiative.

He asked all of his fellow students to gather up any high quality, unwanted clothing they had lying around their homes. Tunde FolawiyoThe generous donations of his peers encouraged him to continue with this project, resulting in him teaming up with the Blue Bulls Rugby Union. This collaboration enabled Schalk and his brother to get 41 other schools around the country involved in Clothing-4-Children. To date, he has managed to collect more than 588 tonnes of clothes, which have an estimated value of $32.1 million.

Emily Mabasa is another participant with an inspiring story. As a physically disabled young person, completing the Award was very challenging at times; however, Emily’s involvement in this programme did wonders for her, helping her to uncover a love for activities such as creative writing, dancing and design.

The Service section had a particularly profound effect, and led to her working on setting up a skill centre, which will be aimed specifically at those living in poorer homes, where children are often expected to take on the role of head of the household. She hopes that this centre will be able to teach young people some practical skills, so that as they grow up, they won’t be reliant on government handouts to survive.

Tunde Folawiyo, and anyone else who is familiar with the Award, will probably understand just how many opportunities it provides participants with. Her involvement in the President’s Award has opened up a great many doors for Emily; for instance, during Youth Month Commemoration, she and three other participants were invited to an event called ‘Youth of South Africa – Legends of the Future and History Makers’. This year, Emily will also be travelling to South Korea, to serve as a representative of the Award at the International Gold Event.

Anyone who, like Folawiyo, is interested youth development initiatives like the President’s Award, and would like to learn more about this subject, should follow Tunde Folawiyo projects online.

Tunde Folawiyo | DofE Award Recipients Give Back

In striving to uphold its everlasting mission of a brighter tomorrow for youth across the globe, The Duke of Edinburgh Award continues to implement new initiatives in hopes of forging an impact on impressionable youth determined to make a difference within their communities. Armed with the valued support of DofE advocates such as Tunde Folawiyo and millions of others throughout the United Kingdom and beyond, the DofE will continue to encourage participants to create better conditions not only for themselves and their families, but the communities that surround them, as well.

Since the organisation’s establishment in 1956, the DofE has continually inspired millions of young people worldwide to strive toward productive personal growth and sense of responsibility. Through a wide variety of assessments and trainings participants may become eligible for varied Tunde Folawiyoawards upon demonstrating success in areas such as physical fitness, volunteering and skill as well as adventurous journey. Each of these may prove immeasurable in nurturing positive impact for the participant and the people and communities that surround them.

Upon completion of the DofE’s varied awards, participants may find themselves eager to remain tied to the organisation, and there are many ways to accomplish this. Award recipients are encouraged to share their stories of success in hopes of inspiring other youth. Provide contact details to keep in touch with fellow alumni and programme organizers.

Those who have completed the programme are also urged to volunteer. The ability to assist others on their journey is a great honour that is sure to elicit joy amongst all parties involved. The DofE is currently searching for group leaders! In furthering its commitment to youth success, the DofE is preparing to launch LifeZone, a website meant exclusively for past participants. The site will support with career and employment guidance in addition to a variety of other perks such as advice from reputable CEOs. Supporters of the DofE are also encouraged to submit monetary donations in order to ensure the organisation is able to continue its work in fostering our next generation of leaders. The support of past Award recipients provides an enhanced sense of confidence in new participants, demonstrating the importance of life-long connections.

Through the constant support of the programmes’ proponents such as Tunde Folawiyo and millions of others across the world, the DofE will ever continue to form a meaningful, long-lasting impact on countless youth throughout the United Kingdom, Africa and many countries beyond.

Tunde Folawiyo | ScottishPower Foundation Renews Partnership with DofE

As part of its ongoing mission to direct today’s youth toward a brighter tomorrow, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has announced a continued partnership with ScottishPower Foundation, a well-known energy company based in Glasgow, Scotland. The partnership will enable more youths aged 14-24 to join the DofE organisation in hopes of turning their programme experience into a life-changing venture with everlasting rewards. Through the continued support of DofE proponents such as Tunde Folawiyo and millions of others throughout the UK and beyond, this partnership will continue to forge an impact on participants with hopes of improving conditions for not only themselves, but also the communities that surround them.

Tunde FolawiyoThe Duke of Edinburgh’s partnership with ScottishPower Foundation will benefit students in areas such as Liverpool, Knowsley and the Wirral, propelling them toward success in the areas of unique employability and social and personal development. The DofE has long been revered for providing the foundation for young people to explore the world around them, enabling invaluable personal development along the way.  The investments contributed by ScottishPower Foundation will be used to expand on the DofE provision, bringing new aid to local schools, youth groups, and charities, driving them toward becoming DofE centres.

Whilst ScottishPower has served as a valued partner of the DofE since 2010, the newly launched foundation, launched in May 2013, has pledged continued support in 2014, allowing thousands of students the opportunity to participate in the DofE. A counter to the cuts in youth services in the North West region, ScottishPower’s partnership with the DofE has aided nearly 10,000 young people to embark on their DofE journey. Of these, over 5,000 have received the prestigious Award, demonstrating the overwhelming success of such partnerships. It is the organisation’s hope that in 2014, 2,500 young people will begin their DofE experience with 1,850 will going on to earn an Award.

Since its founding in 1956, The Duke of Edinburgh Award has inspired millions of youths across the world to strive toward optimal personal growth and responsibility. Through a variety of training and assessments, participants are eligible for awards by demonstrating success in the areas of fitness, skill, volunteering and adventurous journey. These skill sets are immeasurable in creating a positive impact on a participant’s life and the lives of those in the communities surrounding them. Armed with the continued support of proponents of the programme, such as Tunde Folawiyo and countless others, the DofE will continue to have a long-lasting impact on thousands of young lives across the UK and beyond.

Tunde Folawiyo | Amey Partners with The Duke of Edinburgh Award

In keeping true to its commitment to guiding today’s youth toward bright futures, the Duke of Edinburgh Award welcomes Amey, one of the UK’s foremost leading public and regulated service providers as a pioneer partner in their Tunde Folawiyoefforts to promote goodwill among young people around the globe. Through the continual support of the many proponents of the charity including Tunde Folawiyo, the Duke of Edinburgh Award and its partnership with Amey will serve as a great source of inspiration for millions of students throughout the world.

The prestigious Duke of Edinburgh Award has long inspired today’s brightest students and, as an organisation, continues to implement new initiatives in order to ensure these goals come to fruition. These efforts are none more evident than in the vast number of proud students who have successfully completed the programme since its establishment. The new national agreement brought forth by the organisation’s partnership with Amey will assist in allowing over 165,000 young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to participate in the teachings of the D of E across the UK and beyond. This exciting partnership stems from a close 12-year relationship with the D of E in which Amey has provided an immeasurable amount of support for students of the DofE and the charity’s goals as a whole. Through their efforts, over 220 apprentices are currently taking part in the programme with 36 apprentices have completed the Award requirements to date. In addition to their contributions to the D of E, Amey as a company promotes passion for community involvement within their employees, further demonstrating a commitment to the spread of goodwill.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is composed of four mandatory sections including fitness, skill, volunteering and adventurous journey. Participants must prove a great understanding of each in order to merit the prestigious award. Through a host of comprehensive exams and presentations, prospects will demonstrate excellence in a variety of areas to ensure their preparedness in initiating social change. As a not-for-profit organisation, the Duke of Edinburgh Award relies heavily on the continual encouragement and monetary support of various individuals and organisations in order to successfully maintain the operations of the programme. Those interested in contributing to the Duke of Edinburgh Award are encouraged to visit the organisation’s website at

Through numerous partnerships and the ongoing support of the programme’s proponents such as Tunde Folawiyo and millions of others throughout the world, the Duke of Edinburgh Award will continue to motivate and inspire young students to reach for a better tomorrow for the communities that surround them.

Amey establishes new campaign with DofE | Tunde Folawiyo

Just recently, the DofE established a partnership with one of its long-term supporters, Amey. The latter intends to support local communities, by helping at least 165,000 teens from disadvantaged backgrounds to participate in the DofE programme.

Tunde FolawiyoAmey is a well-known UK organisation based in Oxfordshire, which offers works with clients in the public sector; it handles services relating to everything from infrastructure and waste disposal, to utilities. This company is committed to investing in its employees, and in particular, it is concerned with helping its younger staff members to reach their full potential.

Being familiar with the DofE, Tunde Folawiyo may know that Amey provides all of its employees, who are under the age of 25, with the opportunity to complete the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels of this programme, so that these young people can develop the skills they need to fulfil their professional ambitions. Thirty-six of Amey’s apprentices have already received their Gold Awards, and a further 220 are currently working towards this goal.

The management team at Amey does its utmost to ensure that the process of getting involved in the DofE is as easy as possible for its staff members. They believe that the skills which young people acquire as a result of their participation in this programme – things such as creative thinking, determination, teamwork and communication – can benefit both the participants, and their employers.  Although currently, this company only supports the provision of the DofE programme within the Oxfordshire area, it has announced that it will be expanding this offer to young people living in Birmingham as well.

Most people, including Tunde Folawiyo, are doubtless aware that whilst the DofE Award is available to everyone between the ages of 14 and 25, it can be difficult for those who are living in challenging circumstances to get involved. For instance, teens that have health issues, or are experiencing problems in school or with their families, may be too preoccupied with these other aspects of their lives to even consider joining the DofE. It is hoped that Amey’s new collaborative campaign with the DofE will encourage teens in these types of situations to get involved, and get back on the right track.  The CEO of Amey, Mel Ewell, stated that this initiative will have a very positive impact on the lives, and the future prospects of many teens in the UK; he added that he and his team are particularly glad to be able to offer a helping hand to young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

DofE launch project with Dallaglio Foundation | Tunde Folawiyo

Just a few months ago, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award committee decided to team up with the Dallaglio Foundation, in order to encourage young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to participate in sport, and join the award programme. As of September 2013, the DofE has been working with Lawrence DallLawrence Dallaglio 2006aglio – the former rugby star who launched the foundation – to help teens to get involved with the DofE, via their local rugby associations.

Dallaglio’s charity is an organisation which virtually everyone, including Tunde Folawiyo, is familiar with. Launched just five years ago, it has already managed to raise over £7 million, by hosting annual events such as the Golf & Wine Club, the 8-Rocks and the Dallaglio Cycle Slam. His collaborative project with the DofE is being funded by ICAP, who have donated enough money to enable at least 200 people to join a rugby club and gain their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. The goal of this venture is to teach teens how to work well under pressure, communicate effectively with others, and work as a team.

Speaking to the press, Lawrence Dallaglio stated that sport can have a profound impact on a young person’s life, and that partnering with the DofE would allow participants to not only enjoy all of the benefits of playing rugby, but also provide them with the opportunity to achieve accolades which will make them more employable in the future.

He went on to say that the values which had been instilled in him through the practice of this particular sport – things such as trust, honesty, sportsmanship and respect for others – had helped him to cope with a very challenging period during his teens. He added that he hoped that his foundation, along with the DofE, would help other young people going through similarly difficult times.

Adedoyin Sonibare was one of the first DofE students to get involved in this project. She joined Dallaglio for a rugby training session, which she described as one of her most enjoyable DofE experiences.  She remarked that it had been a privilege to have been taught by Dallaglio, and added that he was a lovely person who was very supportive and encouraging. Sports enthusiasts like Tunde Folawiyo will understand that training with Dallaglio is a dream for many people; he is widely regarded as one of England’s greatest rugby players, having participated in 85 matches for his country, including the 2003 World Cup.