DofE Silver level celebrations | Tunde Folawiyo

Like the other fellows that support the DofE, Tunde Folawiyo understands the importance of acknowledging the hard work that participants undertake to complete the Silver level activities. Many of those who have just joined the DofE programme dream of the day when they will be given their Silver certificate. It’s a great honour, and serves as proof of the recipient’s ability to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. To receive this award, participants who have already completed their Bronze activities must spend a minimum of six months on their Tunde FolawiyoSilver level activities, whilst those who have not received the Bronze award are required to spend at least a year at this stage.

Silver Award Presentations (often abbreviated to SAPs) are held five times a year, in order to publically acknowledge the hard work undertaken by DofE participants at this level. The support provided by organisations such as the Duke of Edinburgh World Fellowship, which fellows including Tunde Folawiyo support, and the help of Local Authorities is what allows the DofE committee to continue to hold these important ceremonies. Most participants will be invited to a SAP within six months of finishing their Silver activities, provided their licensed organisation has sent off their Silver Award Notification form for approval.

Recently, a ceremony of this kind was held for a group of young people from Yorkshire. In total, 36 participants received their awards, which were handed out by the DofE Regional Director Neil Forrest, the Lord Mayor of Bradford and Councillor Khadim Hussain. Speaking at the event, Councillor Hussain congratulated all of the recipients, praising them for their determination and hard work. He finished by saying that it was an impressive achievement, and that they should all be very proud of themselves. Neil Forrest was equally complimentary, stating that it had been wonderful to watch so many young people flourish and grow as individuals.

A similar event was held in Glasgow this month at the High Tunstall College of Science. Over the course of the evening, 18 students received their Silver awards, after having worked tirelessly for more than a year on their Volunteer, Skills, Physical and Expedition activities. The college’s assistant head teacher, Mick Fenwick, said that he and the other staff members were ‘extremely proud’ of the recipients, noting that their achievement was a testament to both the students and the teachers who were involved in the delivery of the DofE programme. One of the recipients, named Harriet, explained that her activities at Silver level had provided her with memories that she will treasure for the rest of her life.


Who supports the DofE programme? | Tunde Folawiyo

Each year, more than 300,000 people get involved in the DofE programme, and in doing so, develop skills and character traits which will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Available to everyone between the ages of 14 and 25, the DofE helps young people to reach their full potential, boost their career prospects and get a head start in life.

None of this would be possible without the help of its volunteers, and the financial support provided by organisations like the Duke of Edinburgh World Fellowship. The latter was established 27 years ago, in a bid to ensure that the DofE programme would be available for many generations to come. Its fellows, which include Tunde Folawiyo, are aware of the many fundraising events that are held throughout the year to support the programme, all of which are organised by the Fellowship committee.

The generosity of Tunde Folawiyothose involved in the Fellowship has been instrumental in the evolution of the DofE; as a result of their donations, it has become one of the most renowned youth development programmes in the world. Prior to the founding of the Duke of Edinburgh World Fellowship in the late eighties, the DofE relied almost entirely upon the somewhat sporadic donations provided by individuals living in the UK. The limitations of this small budget made it difficult for the DofE committee to expand its programme, and it was only when the World Fellowship was launched that the programme truly began to make waves internationally.

But of course, the financial donations made by the Fellowship could not be put to good use, if it were not for the tireless dedication of the DofE volunteers, many of whom have spent years helping the participants in this programme. Supporters of the DofE, including Tunde Folawiyo, understand how hard these people work. Volunteers serve in a variety of roles, depending on their particular skill sets, with some working as leaders on expeditions, and others assisting with fundraising or administrative tasks.

In order to make sure that volunteers have the necessary qualifications and knowledge to support participants, many are given training sessions, the cost of which is usually covered, in part, by the DofE. Virtually everyone who chooses to volunteer with this programme finds it to be an exceptionally rewarding experience, as they have the opportunity to meet new people, have new experiences, and travel around the country.

History of The Duke of Edinbugh’s Award | Tunde Folawiyo

Introduced in the United Kingdom in 1956, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has long served as a beacon of inspiration for youth across the world due in part to its many supporters, including those such as Tunde Folawiyo. Created by a small team of esteemed professionals, the award first began as a means to motivate boys aged between 15 and 18 to strive toward personal growth in the often difficult years between adolescence and adulthood. It is now opened to both genders as a girls’ scheme was launched in 1958. In 1957, the upper age limit was increased to 19 and gradually increased before settling at 25 in 1980, paving the way for a new era of young adults striving to make a difference.

Since its founding in 1956, the programme has grown into an internationally recognised programme that now reaches more than 300,000 young people in over 120 countries throughout the world. While the mission and goals of the Award are uniform internationally, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award carries many different titles including The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award; The President’s Award; The National Youth Achievement Award and The International Award for Young People.

Tunde FolawiyoThe Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is focused on promoting the areas of volunteering, physical fitness, unique skills and expeditions to encourage today’s youth toward a better tomorrow. Participants must accomplish a variety of trainings and successfully complete comprehensive assessments in order to prove a vast understanding of that particular subject. It’s through the guidance of mentors called “Assessors” and “Coordinators” that participants are provided the information and leadership needed to effectively accomplish each task at hand. From embracing new, exciting activities and taking part in organising and carrying out charity work to benefit surrounding communities, young people in the programme are held to a high standard of integrity.

Whilst there are various levels of accomplishment in regards to The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, the challenges set forth by the Gold Level are perhaps the most exciting to undertake. Deemed “The Residential Project” participants are encouraged to embark on an adventurous journey in which they will encounter new people and experience an unfamiliar environment vastly different to their own. Through the Residential Project, participants will meet new people, accomplish unique goals and explore life in an unfamiliar environment in order to gain a worldly perspective that will lead to empathy and understanding of other cultures. Through the continued encouragement of the programmes supporters, including Tunde Folawiyo, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award will continue to foster the development of bright young minds throughout the world.

Contributing to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award | Tunde Folawiyo

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has long served as a means of encouragement for millions of young people throughout the world. Through the immeasurable encouragement of many valued supporters of the programme including Tunde Folawiyo, the award continues to inspire a new generation of bright young leaders with a determination to make a difference. With the goals set forth by the award, participants are encouraged to strive for excellence in all aspects of life including personal growth, perseverance, self-reliance and a commitment of service to their community and other communities throughout the world.

Tunde FolawiyoIn staying true to these goals, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme is compiled of four mandatory sections including fitness, skill, volunteering and adventurous journey. Each participant completes the aforementioned sections according to his or her personal timeframe and through this non-competitive process, participants are able to apply their full focus on their own achievements, without the worry or anxiety of rivalry.

The Award has made a significant impact in the lives of millions of young people since its founding. In addition to improved educational attainment and improved health and well-being for participants, there have also been notable improvements in social inclusion, gender equality, the reduction of violence and an increased participation in civic life, each an important component of successful adult life.

As a non-profit organisation, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award relies on the continued support of various individuals in order to successfully carry out its operations and mission of nurturing personal development among youth. Therein lies a variety of opportunities to contribute to the further success of this thriving organisation.

One way to become involved in the betterment of today’s youth is to assist The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award organisation with a brand ambassadorship. Many individuals hold a variety of talents, professional positions and networks in order to spread the word of the organisation’s values. Whether it’s through voluntary time or monetary donations, each individual willing to assist proves an indispensable part of the organisation’s foundation.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award offers sponsorship opportunities for individuals wishing to involve themselves with the organisation’s goal. From assisting in the planning of fundraising events to joining The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award network to receive up to date news and other information, the ways to contribute to the mission of the organisation are endless. Due to the outstanding encouragement of the award’s supporters such as Tunde Folawiyo and millions of others, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award will continue to thrive for years to come.

Applying to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award | Tunde Folawiyo

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has long inspired millions of students to explore personal growth and responsibility. Through the encouragement of supporters including Tunde Folawiyo, the Duke of Edinburgh’s World Fellowship continues to assist our generation’s youth in striving for greatness in all aspects of life including personal discovery, self-reliance, perseverance and service to their community.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme consists of four mandatory sections focused on personal success including fitness, skill, volunteering and adventurous journey. With three levels of Award to be accomplished, participants are encouraged to reach their fullest potential. As a non-competitive process, participants are able to fully focus on their achievements without worry of rivalry.

To apply to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, students must begin by registering with a licensed operator. Participants must be between the ages of 14 and 25 in order to be considered. Upon this, students must determine which level of the award they wish to complete. A coordinator with the organisation will serve as a most helpful source of guidance throughout the duration of the process, so it’s of great importance that students form a trusted bond with this individual.

Upon the applicant receiving his/her record book and choosing Assessors, the activities can then begin. Another important aspect of this process is to keep in contact with Assessors and Tunde FolawiyoCoordinators to ensure guidance throughout the entire way. After each area is complete, an assessment will take place and after completion, the section can then be marked as achieved.

The fitness, or physical recreation section of the programme revolves around fostering a positive body image and quest for health. Whether through a team sport or individual exercise, promoting health is among the Award’s top goals.

During the skills section of the programme, participants are urged to showcase their unique talent and broaden their capabilities, embracing new and interesting activities they may have not considered before.

Volunteering is another major aspect promoted by the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Participants are urged to take part in charity work or environmental work to fully grasp the significance of caring for fellow man.

While taking part in the adventurous journeys of this training period, students are encouraged to document their experiences via photos, videos and sound tracks. Once these areas are completed, a final assessment will be administered after which the section may then be marked complete. Through these initiatives and the ongoing encouragement provided by supporters of the programme such as Tunde Folawiyo, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award will continue to motivate youth for years to come.

The significance of leaders within the DofE programme | Tunde Folawiyo

The importance of the DofE leaders’ role in the programme cannot be understated; without the guidance and encouragement which they offer the young participants, the number of people who finish all of the tasks would be considerably lower. As well as supporting the overall mission of the DofE, these leaders also have a number of practical responsibilities, such as helping to run the DofE centres, and offering advice to participants who may be struggling with specific aspects of each task.

Tunde FolawiyoDepending on their area of expertise, a leader may be involved with the Expedition, Skills, Physical or Volunteering section at the Bronze, Silver and Gold Levels. It is their job to inspire and support participants, as well as to approve their activity choices, and monitor their progress. As an assessor, they must be DofE accredited, and approved by the relevant licensed organisation. Supporters of this programme including Tunde Folawiyo understand that a leader’s supervisory responsibilities are of particular importance; they must be experienced in the activity selected by each participant, and must carve time out of their schedule to check on the participant’s progress, adjust their goals and help them to address any issues which they might be facing. Leaders in a supervisory role are actively involved in the Expedition section of each level; it is their job to attend these excursions, and ensure that the participants stay on track, and remain safe whilst carrying out the required tasks.

Much of the work carried out by these leaders is done on a voluntary basis; it is because of this selfless support, and the contributions of Fellows of the Duke of Edinburgh Fellowship, including Tunde Folawiyo, that the DofE is able to continue to nurture and support young people around the world. Just recently, a teacher from New Zealand, by the name of Helen-May Burgess, was the recipient of a special award from the programme.

The committee wanted to honour this woman, who had been helping her students with their DofE tasks for over 27 years. Burgess has worked at St Hilda’s Collegiate College for decades, offering her expertise and advice to DofE participants, in addition to teaching at the school on a full-time basis. For her years of dedicated service to the programme, Sir Jerry Mateparae, the Governor General, presented her with a framed certificate at a ceremony held in the city of Dunedin. Over the course of almost three decades, Burgee mentored hundreds of young participants, and supervised 23 students as they completed all of their tasks at Bronze, Silver and Gold level.

What’s involved in a DofE Expedition? | Tunde Folawiyo

The Duke of Edinburgh’s World Fellowship, a network which focuses on the intellectual and social progress of young people, brings together individuals such as Tunde Folawiyo to contribute to the youth development. With the support of this network, the DofE programme has continued to offer guidance and encouragement to thousands of young people across the globe.

Tunde FolawiyoOne of the most intriguing aspects of this programme is the diversity of the activities it involves. Participants in the Duke of Edinburgh’s award programme are required to complete a series of tasks, which fall under the categories of Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition. The latter involves planning and completing an ‘adventurous journey”, the details of which are left up to the participant to arrange. In the past, people have organised sailing voyages, horse-riding treks, hiking excursions and camping trips. Those involved in this activity are put into groups of between four and eight people, with whom they must plan, train and complete the journey.

Philanthropists who support the DofE, such as Tunde Folawiyo, understand the value of these expeditions; in addition to enhancing participants’ social skills, these adventures also encourage them to improve their organisational abilities, and to develop a sense of responsibility.  Expeditions which focus on teamwork are especially popular; these might consist of creating and participating in a team challenge, or establishing different roles within the group, and switching roles several times each day. Environmental expeditions are equally well-loved; these are usually overnight camping trips, and may include the filming of woodland creatures, searches for specific types of plants or the painting of the local scenery.

Due to the popularity of these types of environmental expeditions, the DofE committee was relieved to learn that they had been granted an exemption certificate by Natural England, which will allow programme participants to make use of green-field sites. This is likely to result in an increase in the number of young people choosing to do this particular activity, as they no longer have to go through the time-consuming process of obtaining a site licence from the local council.

The certificate which the committee received covers all of England, and has an expiry date of October 2018. Unfortunately, whilst Scotland does not place any limitation on where DofE participants can camp, Wales does, and as of yet, no exemption has been obtained, although the committee has stated that an application has been submitted.

Taking a look at the DofE Gold Level | Tunde Folawiyo

Through the Duke of Edinburgh’s World Fellowship, individuals like Tunde Folawiyo come together to support young entrepreneurs involved in the DofE. This challenging programme encourages young people to develop the social, intellectual and physical skills they need to become well-rounded individuals.

Tunde FolawiyoWithin the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme, the Gold level is reserved only for candidates aged 16 or over, who have already completed their Bronze and Silver level activities. Whilst there is no flexibility in regards to the age limit,  it is possible for those who have not gone through the previous levels to join in at the Gold stage, provided they are willing to commit to 18, rather than 12 months of work.

Although participants at Gold level are allowed to select the same activities that they chose for former levels, those who do this are required to demonstrate a certain level of development; to simply repeat the same activity again, without showing any indication of progress, is not acceptable.

As with the Bronze and Silver levels, the Gold is divided up into several categories, namely Volunteering, Skills, Physical, Expedition and the Residential Project. The latter is only available at this particular level, and involves a four day trip with a group of people whom the participant has never met before. The volunteering activities are spread across the entire twelve months; however, for Skills and Physical, the participant can choose to spend six months on one, and 12 on the other. Those who are joining in without having completed Bronze and Silver must do an additional six months of activities.

Philanthropists like Tunde Folawiyo understand the importance of acknowledging young people’s achievements. As the culmination of many years of hard work, receiving the Gold Award is a very important moment, and as such, deserves to be celebrated. The DofE committee hosts Gold award presentations several times each year, in one of three venues; St James’s Palace, Hillsborough Castle, and the Palace of Holyrood House. Just recently, two brothers, named Juba and Adam Jasko, attended one of these events in London, after having spent more than six years completing all of the required activities at the Bronze, Silver and Gold Levels.

They were joined by 13 other DofE participants, each of whom received their certificate from Prince Philip. More than 300 hundred people attended the ceremony. The Cabinet member of children’s services, Councillor Maxi Martin, was also present; she was given the opportunity to meet the Duke of Edinburgh, and was awarded a three-year operating licence, which will enable the council to continue its participation in the DofE programme.

Tunde Folawiyo | The history and development of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

Tunde FolawiyoThe Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) programme has been running for fifty seven years. It was founded by Prince Philip, with support from Kurt Hahn, an educationalist from Germany, who had previously set up the Country Badge Scheme. This scheme came to an end during the war, but Hahn remained deeply concerned about the development of young people.

He noticed a lack of initiative, physical fitness, skills and compassion in the younger generation, and aimed to address these issues by helping to found the DofE. The goal was, and still is, to maintain a diverse programme of activities which enable young people to navigate the challenging adolescent years, and emerge as confident, hard-working and capable adults. The Duke of Edinburgh World Fellowship programme was also instigated in 1987, bringing together individuals like Tunde Folawiyo, to help support the ongoing Duke of Edinburgh Award programme and allow these young people to develop successfully and independently.

A committee was formed to oversee the programme, and after several meetings, it was decided that it would be non-competitive, and would be available to everyone within the specified age range, with no membership requirement. Initially, the committee agreed upon four categories of activities, which would include physical fitness, skills, services and an expedition. A number of years later, a fifth section was added, in the form of a residential project.

Whilst the lowest age limit has always been 14, the upper age limit has gradually increased over the years. When the DofE was primarily founded, only those aged 18 or under could participate; however, the following year, the limit was raised to 19. Between 1965 and 1980, the limit was raised a further three times, eventually reaching 25.

The flexibility and freedom of which the DofE affords its participants has meant that it has been integrated into many different youth organisations and schools, both in the UK and abroad. Currently, more than 120 countries have adapted the DofE programme, as well as a Duke of Edinburgh World Fellowship Award. The World Fellowship consists of individuals, including Tunde Folawiyo, that have been brought together as Fellows of the programme to support and develop the younger generation in their endeavours throughout this scheme. Although the title of the Award varies from place to place, the same principles apply.

The skills which participants develop throughout the course of the DofE programme can benefit not only their mental and physical health, but also their career prospects in later life. Employers like Tunde Folawiyo tend to look favourably upon those who can demonstrate that they are capable of focusing on a long-term goal, and seeing it through to the end. Moreover, a great deal of tenacity, teamwork and patience is required in order to complete the activities in each of the categories of the Bronze, Gold and Silver levels, and these are all important qualities which employers hope to find in potential employees.