Come September: DofE’s Annual Team Challenge

As a worldwide leader for youth advocacy, the DofE implements a wide variety of events to further connect with DofE participants and the communities that surround them. In keeping true to a quest for excellence, the exciting DofE Challenge will take place in September of 2014. The event will take place over a two-day period in which teams will embark on a variety of thrilling activities to test both their physical and emotional strength through challenges. Tunde Folawiyo and other proponents of the DofE and its mission for a brighter future for today’s youth may find the DofE Challenge to be amongst the most exciting events sponsored by the organisation.

Tunde FolawiyoThe themed event will take place on the 20th to the 21st of September in the UK’s Peak District. Teams comprised of four to six participants will be subject to a £2,250 upon registration. The number of teams may range from 20-25, demonstrating the great popularity of the annual event. Teams will camp out overnight, hiking more than 30 miles spanning a two-day period. During this time, they’ll tackle a variety of activities like archery, abseiling and rafting.

To many, the event serves as a mini expedition during which participants will encounter various mental and physical obstacles. A thrilling atmosphere and a great sense of comradery and team morale make the experience a most memorable one for participants.

Day One

Participants will arrive at the designated Peak District location during the early morning of Saturday, 20th of September for registrations and team briefing. Teams will then embark on a 15-20 km hike during which they will visit a series of control points spanning an exciting eight-hour time period. Upon completion of the day’s trek, the participants will dine, relax and rest at the campsite in preparation of an exciting day 2.

Day Two

After a tasty breakfast and a fun race walk filled with challenges, attendees will participate in a water activity. Upon completion, a prize ceremony will take place with participants free to leave by 2:30 pm.

Since its establishment, the DofE has long sought to promote a healthy, active lifestyle and a great sense of community amongst its participants. Events such as these serve as a great bonding experience, encouraging friendly competition and teamwork. Tunde Folawiyo and other proponents of the DofE across the UK, Africa and beyond may continue to regard events such as these as a wonderful stepping stone toward a brighter future for today’s youth. For information about more charitable organisations throughout Africa, view Tunde Folawiyo Dailymotion page.

History of the Duke of Edinburg’s Award

As a global leader in youth development, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award continues to inspire millions of outstanding young people throughout the world. Since its establishment in 1956, the charity has sought to encourage millions of youth to explore their true potential. Through promoting a variety of life skills such as physical fitness and volunteerism, the DofE ensures its thousands of yearly participants are equipped to go forth and initiate positive change within their respective communities. Tunde Folawiyo and millions of others throughout the UK and abroad may continue to regard the DofE as a great source of encouragement for exceptional youth worldwide.

Tunde FolawiyoThe organisation was first spearheaded by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh as a programme for boys. Consisting of four segments – rescue, expeditions, public service and fitness – the programme sought to provide a stable environment for young boys to acquire vital life skills to aid in their progression toward adulthood. By 1957, over 7,000 boys had begun DofE programmes, with one thousand Awards achieved since its establishment. One year later, the DofE for Girls is established, focusing on the areas of living, interests, adventures and services. The programme’s first Gold Award was presented at the famed Buckingham Palace. During this same year, pilot projects were initiated in eleven other Commonwealth nations.

The turn of the 1960s saw over 40,000 young people participating in the DofE programme, demonstrating the phenomenal growth achieved in just a few short years. By the middle of the decade, three area and regional offices were established throughout the UK, with the programme operating in more than twenty countries around the world. By 1975, one million participants were enrolled in the DofE.

The programme grew exponentially over the next decades, with HRH Prince Edward achieving the Gold during 1986. The following year saw the DofE reach a great milestone with its 100,000th Gold achieved. By the end of the 80s, the number of participants surpassed two million with over one million DofE awards achieved by 1992. In the coming years, the numbers continue to soar, with the charity celebrating its 50th anniversary during 2006. By 2009, a variety of initiatives had been implemented to provide participants the utmost rewarding experience. Tunde Folawiyo and others involved with the DofE may continue to forge a great impact upon the future success of millions of young people around the globe. Follow Tunde Folawiyo projects to learn more of the worthy causes he supports.

Tunde Folawiyo | DofE Gold Award: Embarking on a Residential Project

Tunde FolawiyoThe DofE has served as an enormous means of encouragement since its establishment, inspiring millions of young people throughout the world to explore optimal self-discovery. In keeping true to its commitments to foster the future success of promising youth around the UK and beyond, the DofE employs a variety of requirements for participants to complete in order to be awarded the prestigious award. Tunde Folawiyo and many other supporters of the DofE may find the Residential requirement most exciting for participants to undertake. The Gold Award requirement is intended to awaken a renewed sense of confidence for those participating.

In addition to the four sections required to be awarded the DofE, the Residential section is a requirement only for those striving for Gold. The trek involves participants embarking on 5 day, 4 night trip that will revolve around meeting and cohabitating with a group of people whom they have never met. This results in an enhanced sense of empathy and an appreciation for other cultures. A fulfilling experience for all of those involved, the Residential section encourages learning new skills and assisting others toward a common goal. From snowboarding in Scotland to working closely alongside children’s camps, there are a wide range of ways for participants to forge an impact on society.

The experiences to be had during a Residential Project have been described as extremely fulfilling. DofE participants may download a variety of resources from the organisation’s website in order to prepare for the thrilling adventures that lay ahead. From residential project ideas to requirements check-lists, DofE staff hold all the information needed to initiate this great undertaking. Gold Award hopefuls are responsible for planning their trip alongside an Assessor. Once activities and goals have been approved by a designated Leader, participants are able to begin this great step toward self-discovery.

Since its establishment over a half century ago, the DofE has sought to encourage youth toward bright futures for not only themselves, but their surrounding communities as well. Through promoting life skills like fitness, leadership, volunteering and a thirst for adventure, young people throughout the world may continue to forge true impact upon their respective countries. From the United States to South Africa, the diversity of the organisation’s participants continues to inspire people all over the globe. Tunde Folawiyo and others hoping to provide a better future for Africa may find the DofE’s Residential project to be amongst the charity’s greatest programmes.

Tunde Folawiyo | Taking Charge of Change Together: A DofE Event

The Duke of Edinburgh Award has for years served as a beacon of hope for millions of young people throughout the world, propelling them towards the ultimate goal of self-discovery. Throughout its history, the DofE has welcomed the support of influential figures from all walks of life.

Tunde FolawiyoThe President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, recently visited a group of young people from across Ireland and the UK at an event held at London’s City Hall. With the future support of President Higgins and others like Tunde Folawiyo, the DofE may further forge an impact on the lives of millions around the world.

The event, held on 9 April and called ‘Taking Charge of Change together’, was put together to share ideas and celebrate leadership by today’s young people. It also showcased a partnership between Gaisce, the President’s Award and The DofE Award in Ireland, named the Joint Award Initiative.

Through the collaboration, young people throughout Northern Ireland can choose to receive either of the two awards after volunteering for their communities, taking part in physical activities, developing newfound skills and embarking on adventurous expeditions. These tasks collectively push participants to explore the world in new and interesting ways, testing their knowledge, willpower and determination.

Issues concerning today’s young people have continually played a significant role in President Higgins’ term in office. In 2011 he established the ‘Being Young and Irish’ project, which attracted hundreds of participants. It is the goal of these meetings to further advocate for youth issues in both the Irish and British governments.

Today, over 300,000 youths from across the world participate in the DofE programme. The organisation continues to forge an enormous impact on the lives of these young people and the communities that surround them. Through encouraging active lifestyles filled with worthwhile activities such as volunteering, physical fitness and adventurous journey, the DofE may take the lead in fostering a new generation of young, promising leaders.

The public is encouraged to explore the DofE and the myriad ways to contribute to their goals of a brighter future for today’s youth. Tunde Folawiyo and others with a deep respect for the DofE Award may ever serve as a source of great support for the programme. For more information about the DofE, its history and its mission to better provide young people with the tools they need to succeed, visit

Tunde Folawiyo | How the DofE is improving school attendance rates in Kenya

Although the Kenyan government has been going to great lengths to ensure that all children are provided with free primary education, many young people are unable to Tunde Folawiyoattend on a regular basis. Approximately 83% are enrolled, but only a fraction go to school every day. Particularly in remote areas such as Bartabwa, the challenging conditions which many families find themselves in make it difficult to prioritise schooling.

However, a number of young DofE participants in Kenya have been doing their best to rectify this situation. Tunde Folawiyo, and others who are familiar with the DofE, may know of Rachel Wanjohi; for the Services section of her Gold Award, Rachel decided to encourage children in Wairuri to attend their local primary school. After visiting the school, she saw that a lack of basic facilities, such as a library, sports equipment, first aid kits and clean water had deterred many parents from sending their children there.

Rachel launched a number of fundraising projects to address these problems; her initial efforts helped to raise KES 30,000, which was then used to purchase a water tank. Further fundraising work raised even more money, and gradually, as the school facilities improved, attendance rates began to increase. Rachel’s work vastly improved the quality of life for many children in the local area, and of course, also helped help to achieve her Gold Award. Since then, she has gone on to work as Kenya’s Ambassador for Tunza Eco-Generation, and now aims to promote the eco-friendly initiatives being organised around Africa.

Judy Chesire is another former DofE participant whose work had an enormously positive impact on the education system in Kenya. For the Services section of the Award, she decided to set up a programme called Education and Life Empowerment in the above-mentioned area of Bartabwa. She started off by arranging motivational talks, during which she and other guest speakers discussed the importance of education.

She then addressed the issue of staff shortages in the local school, by enlisting the help of her fellow university students, who were able to fill in as substitute teachers when necessary. In addition to this, she encouraged local children to see school in a different light, by making learning more enjoyable for them; she organised music and PE lessons, as well as games which helped children to view education as fun, rather than as a chore. As a result, both attendance rates and grade averages have risen dramatically in Bartawa. Her work led to her being recognised by the Peter Cruddas Social Innovation Initiative, and attending a showcase for the foundation in London. Anyone who is familiar with the Peter Cruddas Foundation, like Tunde Folawiyo, will understand what an honour it is to be asked to participate in this type of event.

Tunde Folawiyo | The Duke of Edinburgh and the Flag a Munro Challenge

In its quest to foster the personal development of promising youth across the globe, the Duke of Edinburgh Award continues to implement new activities to aid in their mission of encouraging DofE participants toward a brighter future for themselves and their surrounding communities. In keeping true to this tradition, the DofE is a supporter of the Commonwealth Games. “Flag a Munro” seeks to connect these young people with their local heritages by encouraging physical activities and an appreciation of Scotland’s magnificent landscape. Proponents of the DofE, such as Tunde Folawiyo, may find inspiration in the Commonwealth Games, the “Flag a Munro” challenge and the thrilling adventures to which they expose the exceptional participants of the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Set to take place between April and June 2014, “Flag a Munro”, an initiative of the Commonwealth Games, invites participants to display flags and photos from their treks up some of the Scottish landscape’s most majestic mountains.

Tunde FolawiyoA Munro is defined as a mountain in Scotland boasting a height of over 3,000 ft. These were named for Sir Hugh Munro, who compiled the first list of these hills – Munros Tables – during 1891. Today, the most widely-recognised of the Munros is Ben Nevis, the British Isles’ highest mountain. Climbing Scotland’s Munros is a thrilling experience not to be missed.

There are a variety of ways to become involved with “Flag a Munro” at the Commonwealth Games. DofE Leaders will be responsible for registering participants. Groups of at least 4 are welcome. Upon registration, participants, along with the assistance of their group leader, will choose a Munro or group of Munros to climb. Groups will then be sent a flag which will be displayed upon completion of a climb. Photos from climbs will be put forth toward a college to be displayed during a special exhibition in Glasgow during the summer season. Climbs such as this allow DofE participants to exercise team work, determination, physical skill and problem solving. The culmination of these efforts provides participants with invaluable opportunities for self-discovery.

Throughout its history as one of the world’s foremost programmes for youth, the Duke of Edinburgh Award has partnered with groups across the world to ensure great opportunities for DofE participants. Tunde Folawiyo and other supporters of the organisation may continue to be inspired by these bright, young students and the adventures on which they embark as part of their road to self-discovery. For more information on how to become involved with the “Flag a Mundo” challenge, visit

Tunde Folawiyo | DofE to host Clay Shoot at Windsor Great Park in June

As an organisation, the Duke of Edinburgh Award continually strives to bridge the gap between young people and their communities. The goals of the DofE revolve around encouraging youth throughout the globe to explore the world around them as they embark on the ultimate journey to self-discovery. On Thursday 12th June 2014, the DofE will host a Clay Shoot to be held at Windsor Great Park. Events such as these serve as a wonderful means of togetherness, a great opportunity to join students and DofE advocates for a day of fun. Tunde Folawiyo and countless other DofE proponents throughout the world may participate in these events to gain a better perspective of the organisation’s ongoing mission of a brighter future for millions of youth around the world.

Tunde Folawiyo The DofE is currently the only charity granted permission to hold a shoot at the Great Park by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. Regardless of shooting experience, students, clients, colleagues and friends are all invited to participate in the day’s thrilling events. The day will begin with breakfast, followed by a shooting competition. A three course lunch will follow, after which an award ceremony honouring the day’s winning teams will take place. Additionally, there will be an auction to raise money for the DofE.

Throughout its history as an organisation, the DofE have employed a variety of methods to ensure a wonderful experience for their thousands of participants yearly. Through volunteering, physical fitness, harvesting skills and participating in adventurous journeys, DofE participants are expected to gain a worldly perspective of the issues to be encountered by the communities that surround them. As one of the world’s foremost charities for youth development, the DofE remains a highly respected organisation within the United Kingdom and several other nations around the world. DofE sponsored events such as June’s Clay Shoot serve an invaluable purpose of teaching young students new skills and encouraging them to remain active and involved with others in their communities.

For more information about the Clay Shoot or how you can further contribute to the DofE’s mission, please contact Tori by e-mailing or by phoning 0207 798 2882. Tunde Folawiyo and countless others have already lent their support to the DofE and its thousands of worldwide participants. Through these continued efforts and the assistance of other valued advocates, the DofE will continue to forge a positive impact upon millions throughout the world.

Tunde Folawiyo | DofE success stories from Ghana

Whilst each country has its own amazing DofE success stories, the accomplishments of those who have completed the programme in Ghana are particularly impressive. Emmanuel Odoi Laryea, for example, chose to set up a plantation business for the Skills section of his Award. Using the knowledge he acquired during his time with the DofE, he managed to create a very successful company, which is still in operation today.

Tunde FolawiyoThe business has done wonders for the local community, providing several young people with jobs; currently, Emmanuel has 25 full-time employees, as well as dozens of temporary workers, who join the team during the harvest season. The plantation grows tick trees, which are chopped up and used for the construction of housing and electrical poles. In addition to running this enterprise, Emmanuel also works as a volunteer for the DofE in Ghana, serving as the Head of Programmes and Administration.

Judith Otabel and Jones Viduku are two other participants whose involvement in the DofE has resulted in significant improvements in the lives of many Ghanaian people. After some research, they observed that the schools in the village of Pepease had extremely low attendance rates. Those with an interest in education, such as Tunde Folawiyo, understand how serious an issue this is. Jones and Judith decided that they would work towards creating educational opportunities for the children in this village, as part of the Adventurous Journey Section of their Silver Award.

Initially, they carried out a house-to-house promotional campaign, which focused on helping parents to appreciate the value of education. Following the completion of this activity, they then served as teaching assistants in the primary school, and raised funds which were subsequently used to purchase learning aids and essential school materials.

Their initiative was a resounding success, with attendance rates soaring within a matter of months. Judith and Jones’ work led to them being nominated for a prestigious award known as the Peter Cruddas Social Innovation Initiative. This prize is one which most people, including Tunde Folawiyo, are familiar with; it recognises the most outstanding enterprises created by Gold DofE participants. Only those whose projects can be classed as exceptionally socially innovative, in regards to their engagement with local communities, sustainability or ethical values, are eligible for consideration.

Tunde Folawiyo | ScottishPower Foundation Renews Partnership with DofE

As part of its ongoing mission to direct today’s youth toward a brighter tomorrow, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has announced a continued partnership with ScottishPower Foundation, a well-known energy company based in Glasgow, Scotland. The partnership will enable more youths aged 14-24 to join the DofE organisation in hopes of turning their programme experience into a life-changing venture with everlasting rewards. Through the continued support of DofE proponents such as Tunde Folawiyo and millions of others throughout the UK and beyond, this partnership will continue to forge an impact on participants with hopes of improving conditions for not only themselves, but also the communities that surround them.

Tunde FolawiyoThe Duke of Edinburgh’s partnership with ScottishPower Foundation will benefit students in areas such as Liverpool, Knowsley and the Wirral, propelling them toward success in the areas of unique employability and social and personal development. The DofE has long been revered for providing the foundation for young people to explore the world around them, enabling invaluable personal development along the way.  The investments contributed by ScottishPower Foundation will be used to expand on the DofE provision, bringing new aid to local schools, youth groups, and charities, driving them toward becoming DofE centres.

Whilst ScottishPower has served as a valued partner of the DofE since 2010, the newly launched foundation, launched in May 2013, has pledged continued support in 2014, allowing thousands of students the opportunity to participate in the DofE. A counter to the cuts in youth services in the North West region, ScottishPower’s partnership with the DofE has aided nearly 10,000 young people to embark on their DofE journey. Of these, over 5,000 have received the prestigious Award, demonstrating the overwhelming success of such partnerships. It is the organisation’s hope that in 2014, 2,500 young people will begin their DofE experience with 1,850 will going on to earn an Award.

Since its founding in 1956, The Duke of Edinburgh Award has inspired millions of youths across the world to strive toward optimal personal growth and responsibility. Through a variety of training and assessments, participants are eligible for awards by demonstrating success in the areas of fitness, skill, volunteering and adventurous journey. These skill sets are immeasurable in creating a positive impact on a participant’s life and the lives of those in the communities surrounding them. Armed with the continued support of proponents of the programme, such as Tunde Folawiyo and countless others, the DofE will continue to have a long-lasting impact on thousands of young lives across the UK and beyond.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award Collaborates with Village by Village

As one of the world’s foremost proponents of youth development, The Duke of Edinburgh Award continues to implement new strategies to aid its mission of encouraging young people to strive toward greatness in all aspects of life. These initiatives can be seen through the DofE’s valued partnerships with various organisations throughout the UK and beyond, propelling the opportunity for social change with the potential to impact the lives of millions of today’s youth and the communities that surround them. With the aid of DofE supporter Tunde Folawiyo and countless others, the organisation will continue to flourish, utilising new tools to further its goals along the way.

Tunde FolawiyoA main focus of The Duke of Edinburgh Award is promoting an appreciation for charity and community service and as part of the programme, participants will be required to display an understanding of the importance of aiding fellow man. The DofE welcomes students to evoke positive change by empowering communities in rural villages in Ghana, Africa.

Village by Village, a DofE Approved Activity Provider is a professional charity that whilst based in the UK, focuses on offering aid to areas within Africa. Working in partnership with citizens of Ghana, West Africa, the organisation builds wells, improves sanitation and offers scholarship opportunities for children throughout the country. In collaboration with The Duke of Edinburgh Award, Village by Village offers Residential opportunities for participants to use during the process of completing the DofE’s Gold Award programme. Fundraising efforts used to fund projects in Ghana may also be put forth in successfully achieving the Volunteering portion of the Award.

Village by Village also offers Gap Month Residential Trips, giving young students and adults the opportunity to volunteer within the poverty-stricken areas of Ghana. Volunteers will work in remote rural regions and as such, there are a variety of roles for prospective volunteers to consider. Some of these roles include teaching English to children, construction work, sports coaching and healthcare duties. Each of these roles is invaluable in aiding the people of Ghana, whether by giving them hope through fun activities or teaching them skills and techniques they may have not yet been exposed to. One-hundred percent of money raised by volunteers goes directly to the charity, ensuring funds are sufficiently distributed toward aid efforts. Through the continued support from the DofE, proponents of the organisation such as Tunde Folawiyo and countless others throughout Africa and beyond, Village by Village will continue to create positive change throughout the less fortunate areas of West Africa.