St James’s Palace hosts national DofE Gold Award ceremony | Tunde Folawiyo

Most people, including Tunde Folawiyo, are familiar with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme, and understand how significant receiving the Gold Award is. The ceremony is Tunde Folawiyousually held in St James’s Palace, as the DofE committee feel that this grand setting befits the importance of this occasion.

Just this month, hundreds of young people from all over the UK travelled to London, to collect their Gold awards at the palace. They received their certificates from Anthea Turner and Prince Edward, both of whom spent a few minutes speaking to each of the recipients about their experiences. Anthea spoke at length with one girl in particular – Hannah Holden from Milton Keynes. Hannah undertook two expeditions in Wales, during which she walked an average of 20 kilometres a day, whilst carrying all of her supplies – including food rations and a hefty tent – in a rucksack.

The expedition she chose consisting of ‘wild camping’, which involves making do with what you can find around you; for instance, Hannah had to source her drinking water from streams. In addition to her expeditions, she spent time in the Peak district on an adventure and conservation course, and also learned to dance, sing and play the guitar. Having had such a wonderful experience herself, Hannah is now hoping to become a DofE leader, and help other youngsters to complete their own bronze, silver and gold awards.

A significant number of the attendees at the awards event hailed from Lancashire, and had completed their gold activities with the help of the Lancashire County Council. One young man by the name of Ciaran Bassey got involved with the DofE programme after joining the Explorer Scouts Unit. To achieve his Gold, he spent just over a year working as a volunteer leader with the Scouts, and went on a residential trip with a group of his peers.

Four students from Queen’s College in Somerset were also in attendance; these included Hope Pointing, Hannah Clarke, Abi Sanders-Dutton and Richard Venn. The headmaster of their school came to the event to support them, and spoke to the press about their achievements. He stated that he and the rest of the staff were very proud of what the four teens had managed to accomplish, adding that it had taken a great deal of commitment to complete the bronze, silver and gold activities. He finished by saying that the students had clearly benefitted from their time within the DofE programme; not only had they developed friendships and created wonderful memories, but they had also become far more confident in themselves as a result of their expeditions and residential work. This is why people such as Tunde Folawiyo like to support youth development schemes; they help young people, who are at a very important stage in their lives, to develop the skills and the tenacity needed to achieve their goals.

How the DofE can assist disadvantaged youths | Tunde Folawiyo

Those who support the DofE, like Tunde Folawiyo, might know that the programme committee encourages all young people, regardless of their background or circumstances, to get involved. For teens that may be Tunde Folawiyogoing through a difficult period in their lives, perhaps as a result of health or family issues for instance, the DofE activities can provide them with a sense of stability, and offer them with something positive to focus their efforts on.

There are countless stories of DofE alumni who have managed to overcome enormous obstacles, complete their bronze, silver and gold activities and go on to lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Here, we’ll be discussing two such people – Edward Hampton-Matthews, and Emily Mailes.

Edward was diagnosed with joint hyper-mobility and rheumatoid arthritis at the age of three; doctors told his parents that he would never be able to swim or ride a bike. But just four years later, with physiotherapy and a great deal of determination, Edward began cycling. It was this strength of character and perseverance which would allow him to complete the bronze, silver and gold level activities as a teenager, in spite of his chronic health problems.

He camped in cold, wet conditions, and trekked for many miles, even though these activities were extremely challenging, from a physical perspective. Additionally, he also learned how to sail, gained his first aid and RYA Day Skipper qualifications, and began teaching sailing to other youths at his local club. In 2010, he received his Gold Award, four decades after his own grandfather, Mike Hampton, had done the same. Mike attended the ceremony, and spoke proudly of Edward’s achievements, adding that getting involved in the DofE is a ‘fantastic thing to do’.

Emily experienced a different set of challenges growing up, but like Edward, she successfully overcame them by participating in the DofE. She became a mother at the age of 16, which led to her leaving school without qualifications. Most people nowadays, including Tunde Folawiyo, understand just how much a lack of education can affect a person’s life, particularly when it’s a young parent, who has a child to support.

But Emily was determined to improve her life, and after joining a youth group in her local area, designed specifically for teenage parents, she began to work towards getting her bronze, silver and gold awards. The activities she completed gave her the confidence to return to education, and as she neared the end of her time with the DofE, she took up courses in youth work, media and film-making. Her experience with the DofE was so positive, that she also began to serve as a voluntary expedition leader. Today, she has a job as a youth services co-ordinator.

Can the DofE programme help teens get into university? | Tunde Folawiyo

Quite often, teenagers join the DofE programme with the simple intention of developing a few new skills, and perhaps going on a fun expedition with their friends. But the fact of the matter is that the programme has a far more significant impact on participants’ lives than they initially realise. As they continue on their journey, completing one activity after the next, they usually become more aware of just how beneficial their involvement can be, particularly when they begin to go for university interviews, and apply for places on academic courses.

A few years ago, the DofE commissioned Northampton University to carry out research into the impact of this programme on young people. The results of this research indicated that participation in the DofE has a tremendously positive effect on teens. Over 74% of the respondents said that their self-esteem had improved during their Tunde Folawiyotime with the DofE, whilst 82% said that the volunteering activities they had undertaken had inspired them to do other volunteer work in the future.

Being familiar with this programme, Tunde Folawiyo is probably aware that the self-esteem which participants develop by planning activities, collaborating with others, and accomplishing their goals, is of enormous help when the time comes to apply to universities. The interview process for the UK’s top educational institutes can be very challenging, especially for teens who are perhaps shy or insecure. However, for DofE participants, who are confident and believe in their own self-worth, the experience will probably be far less intimidating.

One DofE member, who was completing her gold level activities at the time of answering the survey, said that as part of her leadership work, she had been asked to do a 20-minute presentation. She explained that, prior to joining the DofE, the thought of speaking to a large group of people for this length of time would have terrified her, but that, due to the confidence she had gained through her participation in the programme, she was able to deliver the presentation in a professional manner, without allowing her nerves to interfere with her performance.

The volunteer work which young people must do as part of the DofE can also help them get into their chosen academic institute, as this type of an extracurricular activity is something which is looked upon favourably by universities. Nowadays, most people, including Tunde Folawiyo, realise that these institutes want more than just good grades; they want to see that a student is well-rounded, and capable of doing more than merely learning off lists of facts and figures. A history of volunteer work indicates that the applicant has a sense of social responsibility, can take the initiative, and is able motivate themselves.

Completing an expedition with the DofE | Tunde Folawiyo

For many DofE participants, the most challenging and enjoyable aspect of their experience in the programme is completing the expedition. Tunde Folawiyo, and anyone else who is familiar with the DofE, will know that whilst the exact nature of the expedition itself is left up to the individual, the DofE does require individuals to follow the expedition rules very closely. For instance, only a team of between four and seven people can work together to carry out this activity.

Tunde FolawiyoIn addition to this, participants must show proof of the preparations they have made, and the training they have undertaken in the lead up to the actual expedition, and the entire process must be overseen by a DofE-approved supervisor. The team also has to be very clear about what their aim is for their expedition; depending on where they are going, examples of aims might be to explore and document a historical landmark, or to observe the levels of pollution in a particular forest, and plan activities which might help to reduce or eliminate this pollution.

Like most people, Tunde Folawiyo understands the importance of being physically and mentally ready for this type of strenuous, and challenging event. The training which is done prior to the trip must adequately prepare the participants for the mode of travel and activities they intend to engage in; so for instance, if they plan to go on a long hike in a mountainous area, they might have to follow a fitness regime, and ensure that they have the right equipment to guarantee that they reach their destination safely.

So as to ensure that the teams are fully prepared, the DofE also requires them to carry out a practice run of the trip; this is something which most  participants find quite helpful, as it gives them an idea of what to expect. Recently, students from St Patricks School in Malta completed their trial expedition, choosing to spend three days exploring the route from Mosta to Ghadira Bay. During it, they learned some important survival skills, carried out team-building exercises, learned how to correctly read maps, pitch tents and understand basic first aid techniques, all of which will undoubtedly make their actual expedition considerably easier.


Who supports the DofE programme? | Tunde Folawiyo

Each year, more than 300,000 people get involved in the DofE programme, and in doing so, develop skills and character traits which will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Available to everyone between the ages of 14 and 25, the DofE helps young people to reach their full potential, boost their career prospects and get a head start in life.

None of this would be possible without the help of its volunteers, and the financial support provided by organisations like the Duke of Edinburgh World Fellowship. The latter was established 27 years ago, in a bid to ensure that the DofE programme would be available for many generations to come. Its fellows, which include Tunde Folawiyo, are aware of the many fundraising events that are held throughout the year to support the programme, all of which are organised by the Fellowship committee.

The generosity of Tunde Folawiyothose involved in the Fellowship has been instrumental in the evolution of the DofE; as a result of their donations, it has become one of the most renowned youth development programmes in the world. Prior to the founding of the Duke of Edinburgh World Fellowship in the late eighties, the DofE relied almost entirely upon the somewhat sporadic donations provided by individuals living in the UK. The limitations of this small budget made it difficult for the DofE committee to expand its programme, and it was only when the World Fellowship was launched that the programme truly began to make waves internationally.

But of course, the financial donations made by the Fellowship could not be put to good use, if it were not for the tireless dedication of the DofE volunteers, many of whom have spent years helping the participants in this programme. Supporters of the DofE, including Tunde Folawiyo, understand how hard these people work. Volunteers serve in a variety of roles, depending on their particular skill sets, with some working as leaders on expeditions, and others assisting with fundraising or administrative tasks.

In order to make sure that volunteers have the necessary qualifications and knowledge to support participants, many are given training sessions, the cost of which is usually covered, in part, by the DofE. Virtually everyone who chooses to volunteer with this programme finds it to be an exceptionally rewarding experience, as they have the opportunity to meet new people, have new experiences, and travel around the country.

Contributing to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award | Tunde Folawiyo

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has long served as a means of encouragement for millions of young people throughout the world. Through the immeasurable encouragement of many valued supporters of the programme including Tunde Folawiyo, the award continues to inspire a new generation of bright young leaders with a determination to make a difference. With the goals set forth by the award, participants are encouraged to strive for excellence in all aspects of life including personal growth, perseverance, self-reliance and a commitment of service to their community and other communities throughout the world.

Tunde FolawiyoIn staying true to these goals, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme is compiled of four mandatory sections including fitness, skill, volunteering and adventurous journey. Each participant completes the aforementioned sections according to his or her personal timeframe and through this non-competitive process, participants are able to apply their full focus on their own achievements, without the worry or anxiety of rivalry.

The Award has made a significant impact in the lives of millions of young people since its founding. In addition to improved educational attainment and improved health and well-being for participants, there have also been notable improvements in social inclusion, gender equality, the reduction of violence and an increased participation in civic life, each an important component of successful adult life.

As a non-profit organisation, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award relies on the continued support of various individuals in order to successfully carry out its operations and mission of nurturing personal development among youth. Therein lies a variety of opportunities to contribute to the further success of this thriving organisation.

One way to become involved in the betterment of today’s youth is to assist The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award organisation with a brand ambassadorship. Many individuals hold a variety of talents, professional positions and networks in order to spread the word of the organisation’s values. Whether it’s through voluntary time or monetary donations, each individual willing to assist proves an indispensable part of the organisation’s foundation.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award offers sponsorship opportunities for individuals wishing to involve themselves with the organisation’s goal. From assisting in the planning of fundraising events to joining The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award network to receive up to date news and other information, the ways to contribute to the mission of the organisation are endless. Due to the outstanding encouragement of the award’s supporters such as Tunde Folawiyo and millions of others, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award will continue to thrive for years to come.

Tunde Folawiyo | The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme – How does it work?

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is given to those aged between 14 and 24, who successfully complete a series of activities. These activities are designed to help participants develop character and confidence, and to teach them the value of hard work and persistence. They are provided with support throughout the course of their journey, ensuring that they have the guidance and encouragement that they need to accomplish their goals.

The programme is divided up into three levels, consisting of Bronze, Silver and Gold. Most begin by completing four sections at Bronze level; this can take up to six months. For those who do this, the subsequent level, Silver, will also take six months; however, there is an option for participants to
Tunde Folawiyojoin in this programme without completing the Bronze stage, in which case they are required to spend one year working on their Silver activities. The Gold level also takes a year to complete, although it will take slightly longer (18 months), if a person has not finished the previous two stages, or if they have only received the Bronze award.

Tunde Folawiyo understands that this award programme is unique, in that young individuals are permitted to tailor the activities to suit their personal preferences and circumstances. The type of activities undertaken can vary considerably, but will include learning a new skill (usually of a practical or social nature), providing a voluntary service, participating in challenging physical recreational events, going on an expedition, and getting involved in a residential project (the latter is reserved only for people who have reached the Gold level). The progress of each participant is carefully monitored and assessed by a person who has expertise in the selected activities.

The division of the activities into the five aforementioned categories ensures that participants receive a balanced learning experience, which will benefit both their mental and physical wellbeing, and help them to become well-rounded individuals.

Individuals including Tunde Folawiyo, have been assembled as Fellows of the Duke of Edinburgh World Fellowship, to promote diversity, and encourage all young people to participate for the Duke of Edinburgh award, regardless of their background, gender or particular skill sets. The flexibility of the entry paths and activity choices, coupled with the fact that the programme is widely available both in the UK and abroad, means that even those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds can get involved if they wish to. All that is required is commitment, enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. As a prestigious and youth developing programme, Tunde Folawiyo and other Fellows of this programme can help to make a difference to the development of the younger generation of this time.